
Archive for the ‘Friends’ Category

Jealous of Eldest son that lives in DC… He went to the concerts at Lincoln Memorial today with friends!
Bruce Springsteen and all the others. :sigh:: Cold but it sounded like fun.

So two days left till Obama is officially the president of the USA and “Thanks for the  nightmares memories” George W. Bush.  BuhBye.

Haven’t found the time to watch the Meet The Press from this morning though I want to catch the Rohm Emanuel segment to hear (and see) what he says. 
Reason I’m behind on the news? It’s snowing on Long Island. 
I love snow. I have always loved snow and I likely always will love snow!
Went shopping before the snow and then this evening it was beautiful outside so I took my long walk as I always do.




Walking in the snow soothes my soul.  There are fields behind us all the way to the water that I walk.  It’s great for meditating on life out there.



When I returned from my walk this is what I did:

Laura and Friend

Laura and Friend










Goodnight everyone,
Remember you’re never too old to build a snowman!!!
I’m hoping when my son comes home shortly we’ll have a snowball fight.
Probably won’t but not because I don’t try… lol



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